September 25, 2024
September 25, 2024

Event Description

September 25 is Rowan’s Law Day.

The day is named in memory of Rowan Stringer, the 17-year-old rugby player whose death resulted after sustaining multiple concussions.

In March of 2018, the Ontario government passed a law known as Rowan’s Law designed to protect athletes and educate parents/guardians, coaches and officials about the dangers of head injuries. By increasing concussion awareness and knowledge, we can change Ontario's culture around sports, physical activity and injury. Rowan's Law will make it easier for those who experience concussions to SPEAK UP, get the help they need, and take the time necessary for recovery, with the support of everyone around them.

Concussions aren’t always obvious. Signs and symptoms can take hours or even days to appear. SPEAK UP about a bump to the head and have it checked out. Students playing sports for school teams MUST inform their coaches if they have had a concussion while playing in sport leagues outside of school.

To learn more about concussion management, watch Dr. Mike’s video.

Ball Play Zones

Ball strikes continue to be a leading cause of playground injury. While most result in minor injuries, such as bruises or bumps to the head, at their worst they can lead to concussion and brain injury.

To reduce ball strike injuries, ball play is now restricted to specific ball play zones on the school playground. These areas are clearly marked with red hash lines to identify where games involving the use of balls can be safely played.

Learn more about our Concussion Protocol.